PSB 2002
There are six tutorials offered in three parallel tracks on Thursday, January 3, 2002.
9:00 AM to 12 noon
Human Genetic Variation
Kenneth K. Kidd, Judith R. Kidd and Glenys Thomson
Statistical Analysis of Microarray Studies
Emmanuel Lazaridis
2:00 PM to 5:00 PM
XML Databases for Bioinformatics
Mark Graves
Molecular Evolution and Phylogenetic Analysis
David Pollock and Richard Goldstein
7:00 PM to 10:00 PM
Functional Genomics in 3 Hours: A Practical Guide to Creating Your Own High-Throughput Pipeline
Atul Butte and Isaac Kohane
Support Vector Machines and Kernel Methods for Bioinformatics
Nello Cristianini
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Updated: August 1, 2001