High Throughput to Individual Proteins
year, CASP, "the Olympic games of prediction,Ó which in the past focused
only on predicting protein structure, will be a little different. The
participants will be asked to predict not only the structure of each target
sequence, but also its function. How could this be done? In this tutorial we
will discuss the different approaches, tools and challenges in the emerging
field of function prediction.
function prediction methods are designed for automated, high throughput
prediction. But as in the case of CASP, a typical user is usually interested in
a custom tailored prediction for a particular protein. We will present ways in
which these high throughput methods could be used to predict the function of
individual proteins. We will also survey the algorithms and scientific insights
that underlie them.
tutorial will elaborate on specific examples (including some targets from CASP
2004), and will discuss research opportunities and open challenges in the
Instructors: Our research is dedicated to in-silico study of protein structure and function. We have
published papers and book chapters on different aspects of function prediction,
and have taught related issues to audiences with variety of backgrounds.
Ofran, PhD - Researcher at Columbia
University Bioinformatics Center (C2B2). Current research focuses mainly on
analysis and prediction of protein-protein and protein-DNA interactions.
Recently, coauthored a review about function prediction (2003, Automatic
prediction of protein function, CMLS: 60(12):2637-50), and a book chapter about
prediction methods using protein sequence (2004, Predictive methods using
protein sequence, Bioinformatics, Baxevanis and Ouellette, Wiley Interscience).
Teaching experience includes developing and teaching courses at graduate and
undergraduate levels, as well as presentations and tutorials at scientific
meetings and seminars.
Punta, PhD - Researcher at the
Columbia University Bioinformatics Center (C2B2). Current research focuses on
predicting internal inter-residue contacts. PhD in Biophysics from the
International School of Advanced Studies (ISAS) in Trieste, Italy; topic:
comparative modeling and molecular dynamics simulations applied to the study of
ion channels. Presentations at several meetings and seminars.
Rost, PhD - Positions: 1990-1994 EMBL
Heidelberg, 1995 EBI Cambridge, 1996-1998 EMBL Heidelberg, 1998 LION
Biosciences, 1999-now Associate Professor at Columbia University. Research
focuses on methods predicting protein structure and function from sequence. The
major goals are to develop tools that can be applied in the context of
analyzing entirely sequenced organisms. Achievements in numbers: 92 invited
talks in 16 countries; 101 papers published and submitted; first and
last-author papers quoted over 5500 times; average citation of first and
last-author papers over 110; online version of first Web server for prediction
in molecular biology.
Back to Tutorials | Updated: June 28, 2004 |