PSB 2021: Computational Challenges and Artificial Intelligence in Precision Medicine


Rapid advances in sequencing and ‘omics technologies as well as increasing data streams from electronic health records (EHRs) and imaging data are opening up new vistas of personal biomedical and health data. In parallel, machine learning and other novel approaches have revolutionized our ability to analyze and find patterns in the multi-dimensional data generated by these modalities. Achieving the promise of precision medicine will require applying state-of-the-art computational tools to integrate and interpret the large volumes of data being generated. We welcome submissions along two tracks: (1) computational tools and methods for analyzing and interpreting genomics and multi-omics data and (2) machine learning tools for understanding disease and clinical outcomes.

Source: National Cancer Institute

Session topics

We invite contributions in a broad range of computational topics encompassing two tracks, described below.

Track 1: Computational tools and methods for analyzing and interpreting genomics and multi-omics data for advancing precision medicine.

  • Methods development or approaches for polygenic risk scores (PRS), including consideration of diverse genetic ancestries
  • Investigating challenges associated with incorporating 'omic data into clinical decision support, and techniques for effective implementation
  • Methods or approaches to clinically annotate and interpret whole exome or whole genome sequencing data, especially in populations from diverse genetic and environmental backgrounds.
  • Development of causal or predictive models for genotype, gene expression, disease labels and intermediate phenotypes across populations, as well as multi-omic models that incorporate intermediate phenotypes in evaluating disease status.
  • Methodology for interpreting and making use of noncoding variants or rare and low frequency coding variants, arising from whole-genome or exome sequencing.
  • Methods for multi-ethnic analyses to identify genomic or structured non-genomic contributors that explain observed health disparities.
  • Computational methods for estimating and/or incorporating genetic ancestry for genomic discovery or precision medicine implementation.
  • Methods that enable efficient and secure sharing of genome sequence data.

Track 2: Computational tools and methods utilizing machine learning or deep learning on multi-modal datasets for better understanding of disease or improvement of clinical workflows and outcomes.

  • Tools that predict patient or disease outcomes based on multimodal data
  • Methods/tools that address or reveal the potential for biases in machine learning in healthcare
  • Methods/tools that make predictions based on medical images paired with another data modality, such as EHR data, genomics, lab results.
  • Decision support tools for clinical decision making or triage based on multimodal data streams
  • Methods for evaluating and integrating medical literature into practice
  • Methods for the incorporation of lifestyle, environmental, geographic, and electronic health record data to identify signatures of health and phenotypic outcomes.

Session organizers

Olga Afanasiev

Palo Alto Medical Foundation

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Joanne Berghout


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Steven Brenner

University of California, Berkeley

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Martha L. Bulyk*

Brigham & Women’s Hospital and Harvard Medical School

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Dana Crawford

Case Western Reserve University

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Jonathan H Chen

Stanford University

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Roxana Daneshjou*

Stanford University

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Łukasz Kidziński

Stanford University

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Submission Information

The submitted papers are fully reviewed and accepted on a competitive basis.

Important dates

  • August 3, 2020: Call for papers deadline. THIS IS AN ABSOLUTE DEADLINE.
  • September 14, 2020: Final paper decisions announced by PSB organizers.
  • October 1, 2020: Camera-ready papers due.
  • November 15, 2020: Abstract deadline for non-reviewed posters.
  • January 3-7, 2021: Conference dates.

Paper Format and Submission Portal

Please see the PSB paper format template and instructions at

Travel Fellowships for Trainees

PSB traditionally provides fellowships for select trainees. The application process opens upon paper acceptance. Individuals from underrepresented communities are particularly encouraged to participate in the conference and apply for travel support.

Poster Format

Poster presenters will be provided with an easel and a poster board 32"W x 40"H (80 x 100cm). One poster from each paid participant is permitted. See the submission portal web site for the instructions regarding poster submissions.

Last updated: April 3rd, 2020