Biocomputing Education: Challenges and Opportunities

Susan J. Johns, Steven M. Thompson, and A. Keith Dunker
Center for Visualization, Analysis and Design in the Molecular Sciences (VADMS)
and the Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics
Washington State University
Pullman, WA 99164-1224 & 4660
Phone: (509) 335-0424 & 335-5322
FAX: (509) 335-0540 & 335-9688

The need for a forum on educational issues:

Philosophically, we have come to the view that computer science is to molecular biology as calculus is to physics, yet at present there is really no well defined curriculum for computational molecular biology. Although specific individuals have developed courses or workshops, educational materials such as textbooks or laboratory exercises based on existing courses or workshops are not widely available. In addition to the absence of formal materials, there is also a lack of communication among those of us who are now teaching courses in this domain.

Correcting the deficiencies regarding the lack of educational materials and the lack of communication on educational issues represents both a challenge and an opportunity for the community of scientists who are currently doing research in biocomputing.

A workshop:

Recognizing the need for the development of an educational forum, the Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing (PSB) has included our workshop on biocomputing education as part of its overall program. Our hope is that this workshop on biocomputing education will become an important node with regard to the dissemination of educational materials, information, and approaches in this field.

To the end of improving communication, we encourage your formal or informal participation at our workshop on educational issues. Bring your course outlines, syllabi, laboratory exercises, videotapes, CD-ROMS or whatever educational materials you have developed or that you use for teaching computational approaches to biology, especially molecular biology.

We hope to have a very open discussion about what works and what does not and what needs to be done in the future.

Submission of papers:

We also encourage you to submit full technical papers or abstracts for posters on biocomputing education to be included in the general refereeing process. We envision that such papers could range from philosophical discussions on biocomputing education to the nuts-and-bolts of particular courses or workshops that are enjoying significant success. Given a sufficient number of refereed papers submitted on biocomputing education, additional time will be allocated by the PSB organizers for their presentation.

Submitted papers and abstracts will be carefully peer reviewed by at least 3 independent referees for publication in an archival proceedings. Publication of a full paper is required for oral presentation. Submissions from researchers who desire to present their work at the conference without the publication of a full paper are eligible for exhibition space in the poster and demonstration sessions.


In addition to traditional print options, PSB is exploring the possibility of publishing its proceedings as the first in a series of peer-reviewed electronic conference publications from a major scientific publisher. Authors would have the ability to include extensive color graphics, animations, datasets and source code in papers published electronically and to obtain printed versions of individual papers by facsimile. The publisher would offer attractive licensing arrangements for the series, intending to insure the greatest possible availability in libraries and other institutions. Whether we opt for electronic publication or not, we hope to have the contents of the proceedings indexed in Medline and elsewhere. PSB is also exploring the possibility of CD-ROM distribution, as well as a follow-up book with extended versions of the best papers. We hope that these forward-looking publication efforts will encourage you to submit your best upcoming work to this conference.

Key dates:

Immediate -- Abstract of papers, presentation or demonstration
July 1 -- Feedback from us on abstracts
July 27 -- Full papers due
September 11 -- Notification of acceptance, with comments
October 2 -- Final, revised manuscripts due

Conference registration for authors is required along with the submission of the final paper on October 2.