Announcement and Call for Papers
Stochastic Models, Formal Systems and Algorithmic Discovery
for Genome Informatics
Track Co-Chairs:
Kiyoshi Asai, Tom Head, Katsumi Nitta and Takashi Yokomori
This track is intended to cover stochastic models, grammars and formal
systems for bio-sequences, and algorithmic discovery in biocomputing. More
specifically, hidden Markov models and other types of stochastic grammars
for the analysis, classification and structure modeling for the
bio-sequences. It also concerns computational aspects of formal systems for
bio-sequences, including formal linguistics, splicing models and DNA
You are encouraged to participate in the track, either by submitting a paper
for oral sessions, presenting a poster, as a referee, or as a conference
For oral presentations,
all paper submissions will be rigorously peer reviewed
by at least 3 independent referees, and accepted papers will be published in an
archival proceedings volume.
Researchers who wish to present their research
without official publication are encouraged to submit abstracts (no more than 3
pages) for poster presentations.
To submit a paper or an abstract for "Stochastic Models, Formal Systems and
Algorithmic Discovery for Genome Informatics", send 4 copies of manuscripts
Katsumi Nitta
Electrotechnical Laboratory
1-1-4 Umezono, Tsukuba, Ibaraki, 305 Japan (E-mail)
+81-298-58-5918 (FAX)
Important dates
Paper submissions due: July 27, 1995
Notification of paper acceptance: September 11, 1995
Final paper deadline October 2, 1995
Early registration deadline October 2, 1995