Modern Concepts in Molecular Modeling
J. Bajorath and T.E. Klein
Extracting Biological Knowledge from DNA Sequences
F.M. De La Vega, D. Thieffry and J. Collado-Vides
Understanding and Predicting Protein Structure
D. Fischer, A. Godzik, S. Chung, S. Subbiah and R. Lathrop
Biopolymer Structures: Where Do They Come From? Where Are They Going?
Evolutionary Perspectives on Biopolymer Structure and Function
R.A. Goldstein and E. Bornberg-Bauer
Computing with Biomolecules
T. Head and T. Yokomori
Computation in Biological Pathways
P.D. Karp and M. Riley
Ubiquitous Distributed Objects with CORBA
F. Achard and E. Barillot
Towards a Density Functional Treatment of Chemical Reactions in Complex Media
D.R. Berard, D. Wei and D.R. Salahub
Combinatorial Tools for the Analysis of Transcriptional Regulation
A. Bergeron, E. Gaul and D. Bergeron
The Generalization Method of Relationships Among Nucleotide Sequences
Reveals an Order in Assimilation of Amino Acid Codons During Isoacceptor
tRNAs Evolution
M.B. Chaley and E.V. Korotkov
Using Tcl for Molecular Visualization and Analysis
A. Dalke and K Schulten
On Some Operations Suggested by Genome Evolution
J. Dassow and V. Mitrana
The Inverse Protein Folding Problem: Self Consistent Mean Field
Optimisation of a Structure Specific Mutation Matrix
M. Delarue and P. Koehl
Theoretical and Algorithmical Optimization of the Dead-End Elimination Theorem
J. Desmet, M. De Maeyer and I. Lasters
Using Views for Retrieving Data from Extremely Heterogeneous Databanks
T. Etzold and G. Verde
Length Scales of Lipid Dynamics and Molecular Dynamics
S.E. Feller and R.W. Pastor
Specific Modelling of Regulatory Units in DNA Sequences
K. Frech and T. Werner
Test Tube Systems with Cutting/Recombination Operations
R. Freund, E. Csuhaj-Varja and F. Wachtler
Organizing and Computing Metabolic Pathway Data in Terms of Binary Relations
S. Goto, H. Bono, H. Ogata, W. Fujibuchi, T. Nishioka, K. Sato
and M. Kanehisa
Development of a Cell Signaling Networks Database
T. Igarashi and T. Kaminuma
The Native Sequence Determines Sidechain Packing in a Protein, But Does
Optimal Sidechain Packing Determine the Native Sequence?
P. Koehl and M. Delarue
Design of Hydrophobic Core of E. Coli Malate Dehydrogenase Based on the
Side-Chain Packing
H. Kono, M. Nishiyama, M. Tanokura and J. Doi
Latent Periodicity of DNA Sequences of Many Genes
E.V. Korotkov and D.A. Phoenix
Integrating Database Homology in a Probabilistic Gene Structure Model
D. Kulp, D. Haussler, M.G. Reese and F.H. Eeckman
Packing as a Structural Basis of Protein Stability: Understanding Mutant
Properties from Wildtype Structure
C. Lee and M. Levitt
Facilities for Exploring Molecular Biology Databases on the Web: A
Comparative Study
V.M. Markowitz, I-M.A. Chen, A.S. Kosky and E. Szeto
Towards a Bacteriorhodopsin-Silicon Neuromorphic Photosensor
C.H. Martin, Z.P. Chen and R.R. Birge
An Approach to Detection of Protein Structural Motifs Using an Encoding
Scheme of Backbone Conformations
H. Matsuda, F. Taniguchi and A. Hashimoto
An Algorithm to Assemble Pathways from Processes
J.E. Mittenthal
Toward a Virtual-Labo-System for Metabolic Engineering: Development of
Biochemical Engineering System Analyzing Tool-Kit (BEST-KIT)
M. Okamoto, Y. Morita, D. Tominaga, K. Tanaka, N. Kinoshita, J-I.
Ueno, Y. Miura, Y. Maki and Y. Eguchi
Method for Low Resolution Prediction of Small Protein Tertiary Structure
A.R. Ortiz, W.P. Hu, A. Kolinski and J. Skolnick
Multiple Model Approach-Dealing with Alignment Ambiguities in Protein Modeling
K. Pawkowski, K. Jaroszewski, A. Bierzynski and A. Godzik
Search for DNA Conformation Features for Function Sites. Investigation of
the TATA Box
M.P. Ponomarenko, J.V. Ponomarenko , A.E. Kel and N.A. Kolchanov
Algorithmic Complexity of Growth Hormone Release in Humans
K. Prank, M. Wagner and G. Brabant
Exploring the Fitness Landscapes of Lattice Proteins
A. Renner and E. Bornberg-Bauer
Accurate Mean-Force Pairwise-Residue Potentials for Discrimination of
Protein Folds
B.A. Reva, A.V. Finkelstein, M.F. Sanner and A.J. Olson
Real Time Surface Reconstruction for Moving Molecular Fragments
M.F. Sanner and A.J. Olson
Finding Association Rules on Heterogeneous Genome Data
K. Satou, G. Shibayama, T. Ono, Y. Yamamura, E. Furuichi, S. Kuhara
and T. Takagi
Enumerating Suboptimal Alignments of Multiple Biological Sequences Efficiently
T. Shibuya and H. Imai
Redox Properties of Cytochrome C: Novel Linear Response and Hybrid
Continuum-Microscopic Methodologies
T. Simonson
Protein Superfamily Members as Targets for Computer Modeling: The
Carbohydrate Recognition Domain of a Macrophage Lectin
R.E. Stenkamp, A. Aruffo and J. Bajorath
Definite-Clause Grammars for the Analysis of CIS-Regulatory Regions in
E. Coli
D. Thieffry, D.A. Rosenblueth, A.M. Huerta, H. Salgado and
J. Collado-Vides
Enumeration of Flux Routes Through Complex Biochemical Reactions
J. Wagg and P. Sellers
Using the Radial Distribution of Physical Features to Compare Amino Acid
Environments and Align Amino Acid Sequences
L. Wei, R.B. Altman and J.T. Chang
Transfac Database as a Bridge Between Sequence Data Libraries and
Biological Function
E. Wingender, H. Karas and R. Knoppel
A New Approach to Protein Fold Recognition Based on Delaunay Tessellation
of Protein Structure
W. Zheng, S.J. Cho, I.I. Vaisman and A. Tropsha