Call For Papers, Abstracts and Demonstrations
Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing
Mauni Lani, Big Island, Hawaii - January 4-9, 1999
The fourth Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing (PSB), will be held January 4-9,
1999 on the Big Island of Hawaii. PSB will bring together top researchers
from North America, the Asian Pacific nations, Europe and around the world
to exchange research results and address open issues in all aspects of
computational biology. PSB will provide a forum for the presentation of
work in databases, algorithms, interfaces, visualization, modeling and other
computational methods, as applied to biological problems, with emphasis on
applications in data-rich areas of molecular biology. PSB intends to
attract a balanced combination of computer scientists and biologists,
presenting significant original research, demonstrating computer systems,
and facilitating formal and informal discussions on topics of importance to
computational biology.
To provide focus for the very broad area of biological computing, PSB is
organized into a series of specific sessions. Each session will involve
both formal research presentations and open discussion groups. The 1999 PSB
sessions are:
Papers, Abstracts and
The core of the conference consists of rigorously
peer-reviewed full-length papers reporting on original work. Accepted
papers will be published in a hard-bound archival proceedings, and the best
of these will be presented orally to the entire conference. Researchers
wishing to present their research without official publication are
encouraged to submit a one page abstract, and present their work in
discussion, poster and demonstration sessions. Workstations and internet
connections will be available for demonstrations. Please submit detailed
requests for demonstration facilities along with your paper or abstract.
Important dates
Paper submissions due: July 13, 1998
Notification of paper acceptance: August 22, 1998
Final paper deadline: September 22, 1998
Abstract deadline: October 1, 1998
Meeting: January 4-9, 1999
Paper format
Papers may be up to 12 single spaced pages, and must use our
supplied format, available from Each paper must be
accompanied by a cover letter stating that it contains original
unpublished results not currently under consideration elsewhere and that all
co-authors concur with its contents. Please indicate in your cover
letter for which specific session (if any) you wish your paper or abstract
to be considered. Papers and abstracts may be submitted electronically.
Contact Russ Altman ( for
additional information.
Submission information
For physical submission, please send five copies of your paper to:
c/o Russ B. Altman
Section on Medical Informatics
Stanford, CA, USA 94305-5479
(415) 725-0659
Electronic submission of papers and abstracts is encouraged. Contact
Dr. Altman for information about electronic submission.
Travel support
We have been able to offer partial travel support to many PSB attendees in
the past, including most authors of accepted full papers who request
support. However, due to our sponsoring agencies' schedules, we are unable
to offer travel awards before the registration (and payment) deadlines for
authors. We recognize that this is inconvenient, and we are doing our best
to rectify the situation. No one is guaranteed travel support.
Travel support applications will be available on the web site soon.
PSB '99 Sessions:
Each session has a chair who is responsible for organizing submissions.
Please contact the specific session chair relevant to your interests for
further information.
Cochairs: Hiroaki Kitano & Roland Somogyi
Computational methods in the monitoring, analysis, and modeling of RNA and
protein expression; gene regulatory network models and new methods of
acquiring and analyzing large-scale gene expression data.
Roland Somogyi
Phone: +1 (650) 845-4210
Fax: +1 (650) 845-4255
Cochairs: Janice Glasgow, Raymond Ng
Autmomated processes for discovery of patterns and motifs in molecular
databases to aid in the understanding of relationships among
sequence, structure and function.
Janice Glasgow
Phone: +1 (613) 545-6058
Fax: +1 (613) 545-6513
Cochairs: Andrej
Bugrim, Joel Keizer, Leon Glass & Art Winfree
The use of advanced computer simulations to elucidate the mechanism
underlying quantitative physiological data. Areas of interest include (but
are not limited to) signal transduction, metabolic pathways, subcellular
compartment models and tissue electrophysiology. Contributions are soliticed
from experimental biologyists whose research provides quantitaitve data as
well as from theoreticians and computer modellers.
Andrej Bugrim
Phone: +1 (530) 752-0938
Fax: +1 (530) 752-7297
Cochairs: David Dowe and Klaus Prank
Approaches to biological problems using notions of information or
complexity, including methods such as Algorithmic Probability, Minimum
Message Length and Minimum Description Length. Two possible applications
are (e.g.) protein folding and biological information processing.
David Dowe
Phone: +61 3 9905-5776
Fax: +61 3 9905-5146
Cochairs: Tom Ferrin & Eileen Kraemer
Tools and techniques to assist scientists in evaluating, absorbing,
navigating, and correlating sequence, structural, and functional data
through visualization and user interaction.
Tom Ferrin
Phone: +1 (415) 476-2299
Fax: +1 (415) 502-1755
Cochairs: Jiri Novotny, Terry Lybrand, Teri Klein, Jurgen Bajorath
Biophysical concepts, algorithms and software tools aimed at
quantitative understanding and predicting protein-ligand interactions,
applicable to drug discovery efforts.
Jiri Novotny
Phone: +1 (609) 252-6209
Fax: +1 (609) 252-6030
Co-Chairs: Jeffrey Skolnick and Richard Lathrop
All aspects of protein structure prediction, with emphasis on
approaches that are applied to full genomes, exploit genome-scale data
sets, provide novel genomic analyses, or otherwise reflect protein
structure prediction in the post genomic era.
Jeffrey Skolnick
Phone: +1 (619)784-8821
Fax: +1 (619)784-8895
Cochairs: A. Keith Dunker, Charles Kissinger, Eugene Shakhnovich
Certain regions within proteins and some entire proteins are not ordered
into unique structure, but rather exist as ensembles of structures. These
'disordered' or 'unfolded' proteins often carry out important biological
functions. This session will focus on all aspects of disordered or unfolded
sequences. Although the Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing (PSB) has an
overall computational emphasis, experimentalists and theorists are strongly
encouraged to participate.
A. Keith Dunker
Phone: +1 (509)335-5322
Fax: +1 (509)335-9688
Further Information
For further information about the conference, registration, possible travel
support, submission of papers not covered by the above categories, or other
information, please contact the conference coordinator:
PSB Conference Coordinator
Kevin Lauderdale
PSB Coordinator
Section on Medical Informatics
Stanford, CA, USA 94305-5479
Telephone: (650) 725-0659 FAX: (650) 725-7944
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This page written by Lawrence Hunter, and last updated on April 28,