A combined approach for ab initio construction of low resolution protein tertiary structures from sequence

Samudrala R, Xia Y, Levitt M, Huang ES

Department of Structural Biology, Stanford University School of Medicine, CA 94305, USA. ram@zen.stanford.edu

Pac Symp Biocomput. 1999;:505-16.


An approach to construct low resolution models of protein structure from sequence information using a combination of different methodologies is described. All possible compact self-avoiding C alpha conformations (approximately 10 million) of a small protein chain were exhaustively enumerated on a tetrahedral lattice. The best scoring 10,000 conformations were selected using a lattice-based scoring function. All-atom structures were then generated by fitting an off-lattice four-state phi/psi model to the lattice conformations, using idealised helix and sheet values based on predicted secondary structure. The all-atom conformations were minimised using ENCAD and scored using a second hybrid scoring function. The best scoring 50, 100, and 500 conformations were input to a consensus-based distance geometry routine that used constraints from each the conformation sets and produced a single structure for each set (total of three). Secondary structures were again fitted to the three structures, and the resulting structures were minimised and scored. The lowest scoring conformation was taken to be the "correct" answer. The results of application of this method to twelve proteins are presented.

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