Call for Papers and Posters

Precision Medicine

Innovative methods for advanced understanding of molecular underpinnings of disease

Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing Session

January 3-7, 2024 

Fairmont Orchid Resort, Kohala Coast

The Big Island of Hawaii, U.S.A.


Technological advances in high-throughput omics technologies have made it possible to develop a new class of biomarkers that predict patient drug responses, susceptibility to diseases, and other medical outcomes. Toward the goal of precision medicine, methodological advances are needed to translate such biomarkers to the clinic as well as provide mechanistic insight as to their clinical utility. We welcome all submissions relevant to this exciting and growing area of research. 

Session Topics

We invite contributions in a broad range of computational topics applicable to precision medicine research, both in and outside the clinic. The session is expected to cover original research and methodology related to precision medicine’s most pressing or anticipated problems or needs related to human health.

Examples of topics within the scope of this session include but are not limited to: 

  • Methods or approaches for interpreting genome relationship with the microbiome in the clinical context
  • Exploration of novel machine learning approaches, especially deep learning techniques in nonlinear interpretation of genome variation
  • Innovations in polygenic risk score estimation and their clinical applications
  • Large language models, and methods for literature analysis contributing to novel insight into genomic variation impact on pathogenesis and pharamacogenetics
  • Methods that enable data and model sharing while preserving patient privacy
  • Methods or approaches to clinically annotate and interpret whole genome sequencing data
  • Methods for multi-ethnic analyses to identify genomic contributors that explain observed health disparities, and approaches to ensure equity and effectiveness of precision medicine approaches for populations from diverse genetic and environmental backgrounds.
  • Methods of analyzing, interpreting, and applying pharmacogenetics information
  • Development of causal or predictive models for genotype, gene expression, disease labels and intermediate phenotypes across populations, as well as multi-omic models that incorporate intermediate phenotypes in evaluating disease status.
  • Methods for making use of rare and low frequency noncoding variants arising from whole-genome sequencing.
  • Methods for estimating and/or incorporating genetic ancestry for genomic discovery or precision medicine implementation.
  • Methods for incorporating data from biological perturbations generated by advanced genome editing techniques into phenotype predictive or integrative models.
  • Methods that exploit and integrate genomic, proteomic, transcriptomic, metabolomic, metagenomics, and other data for high-resolution individualized health- related outcomes.

Session Organizers

Yana Bromberg, Emory University;

Steven Brenner, University of California, Berkeley;

Hannah Carter, University of California San Diego;

Submission Information

The submitted papers are fully reviewed and accepted on a competitive basis.

Important Dates 

Paper submissions due: August 1, 2023 (no extensions will be granted)

Notification of paper acceptance: September 11, 2023

Camera-ready final paper deadline: October 2, 2023

Deadline for poster abstract submission: December 4, 2023

Paper Format and Submission Portal

Please see the PSB paper format template and instructions at

Paper Submissions

Unlike the abstracts at most biology conferences, papers in the PSB proceedings are archival, rigorously peer-reviewed publications. PSB publications are Open Access and linked directly from MEDLINE/PubMed and Google Scholar for wide accessibility. They should be thought of as short journal articles that may be cited on CVs and grant reports.

Travel Fellowships for Trainees

PSB traditionally provides fellowships for select trainees. The application process opens upon paper acceptance. Individuals from underrepresented communities are particularly encouraged to participate in the conference and apply for travel support. 

Poster Format

Poster presenters will be provided with an easel and a poster board 32"W x 40"H (80x100cm). One poster from each paid participant is permitted. See the submission portal web site for the instructions regarding poster submissions.

Last updated: April 1, 2023